Before we move on to start a job with Visual Basic, it helps if we know little of what basic contained in Visual Basic 6.0, what and how these components work?
* Is a component contained in the Form (most of the components we will study).
1. Form Component
VBRoom - Form Component & Properties |
2. on Form1, i Have :
- PictureBox
PictureBox - Component VB6.0 |
- CommandButton
CommandButton - Component VB6.0 |
- Textbox
TextBox - Component VB6.0 |
- 1Timmer
Timer - Component VB6.0 |
- Label
Label - Component VB6.0 |
- Frame
Frame - Component VB6.0 |
- CheckBox
CheckBox - Component VB6.0 |
- OptionButton
OptionButton - Component VB6.0 |
- HScrollBar (Horizontal)
HSCrollBar - Component VB6.0 |
- VScrollBar (Vertical)
VScrollBarr - Component VB6.0 |
- ComboBox
ComboBox - Component VB6.0 |
- ListBox
ListBox - Component VB6.0 |
- DriveListBox
DriveListBox - Component VB6.0 |
- DirListBox
DirListBox - Component VB6.0 |
- FileListBox
FileListBox - Component VB6.0 |
- Data
Data - Component VB6.0 |
OLE - Component VB6.0 |
- Image
Image - Component VB6.0 |
- Windows Media Player
Winndows Media Player - Component VB6.0 |
Yaa ... These are some of the components contained in Visual Basic 6.0
therefore you can add some components by pressing CTRL + T,
or Go To Tab Project > Components... > Choose Your Componen > Open
Yeah, This fraction of Visual Basic.
Hope can help, Thanks
Tags : Visual Basic, VB, VBasic, komponen, Component, nama-nama komponent dalam Visual Basic, Form, Project, cara, belajar Visual basic, mengenal.
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